When it comes to luck, you make your own...
Semi Finals are significant events - they have a knack of bringing the best out in the under dogs and at best pave the way for setting up a final that will stand the test of time.

House band Castaway made all the right moves and played all the right grooves! Tight as a nuns nasty and feverishly on point.
Thanks to our hospitality hero’s at A Rolling Stone for bringing the lights, sound and magic!
Our Host with the Most Liam D had another blinder! Thanks for steering the DTG Rock N’ Roll Ship through some powerful currents on Wednesday night!
Thanks to our good friends at Major Major for the cold cans of your quenching MM products.
Thanks to Lauren at Steinlager. It always tastes a little better when you have earn't it.
Heat 3 winners Seraphim kicked the night off and played an epic three song set accordingly. They came armed with their bass player and it made a huge difference. A unique three piece - it has been a pleasure to witness these legends in the flesh.
By Tomorrow came and delivered! You put a little in and you get a little out - Congrats on making it through to the final.
Third Junction arrived and delivered a strong set - these guys have precision, timing and bucket loads of talent. Don’t go changing!
Honey For Jupiter are no strangers to the DIG THE GIG Circus - they made it count - they brought the songs, the feel, the look and the crowd! Well done on making it through to the finals.
West Coast Rock N' Rollers Swamp Meet are the real deal - three piece rock n roll at its finest - we love these dudes and cant wait to see them out on the road touring hard & fast!
Red Weekend are starting to push some very interesting boundaries - boundaries that should not be crossed! A thrilling set and a cracker of a new original called Shoot To Kill. See you guys at the final.
Big Angry lead they do not follow. Congrats on winning the DTG UC Semi Final. You brought the crowd and you played superbly! See you on finals day.
All gave some but some gave all.
As always a huge HUG to the FANS that came and delivered on every level. We cant do this without the FANS - thank you - see you all you good souls at the DIG THE GIG UC Final on Wednesday July 10th.